Outta This World Spread
This spread is all about your future! Not quite predicting your inescapable fate, but rather finding personal insight into your goals and wishes for the future: where do you want to go?
Draw four cards, and lay them out in a star pattern as shown in the diagram.
Card 1 (North) : This card represents your next goal or direction.
Card 2 (East) : This card represents the qualities you may need to embody to help you move forward.
Card 3 (South) : Reversed, This card represents an area where you may be stuck, the thing you might have to overcome in order to move forward.
Card 4 (West) : This card represents someone in your life who will help you along the way.
There's a Snake in my Boot Spread
This spread is about your past growth and achievements, having gratitude and appreciating who you are.
Draw three cards and lay them in a boot pattern as shown below.
Card 1: This card represents a hard lesson learned in the past, something that was difficult, but in the end you came out of it better off.
Card 2: This card represents something you should be truly proud of in your life, an achievement that you can now appreciate.
Card 3: This card represents an important person from your past, and how they helped you grow.
Three Card Spread
You can choose one of these themes, or make up your own personalised theme. Draw three cards and place them in front of you.
Card 1: Your inspiration for today. Card 2: This week. Card 3: This year.
Card 1: Love. Card 2: Career. Card 3: Creativity.
Card 1: Yourself at this moment. Card 2: How you can help others. Card 3: How others will help you.
Card 1: A conflict or disagreement. Card 2: Where you need to stay humble. Card 3. Where you need to stand up for yourself.
Question and Answer Spread
Set the deck of cards face down in front of you. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Think of a question, something you have been wondering about or a decision you haven’t made yet. Hold this in your mind, then open your eyes and draw a card from anywhere in the deck. Spend a few moments really absorbing the meaning of the card and the artwork. What first thoughts come to mind? Did your subconscious reveal anything to you about the question?
The card could represent yourself and what qualities you could embody to help find the answers, or it could represent something that is stopping you. It could also be telling you that the answers aren’t here yet, and you will have to be patient.
Keep your mind open during this spread, and keep an eye on any thoughts that might come up.